Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kennedy Tarrell
"Luminous Elk boy who wears cargo pants and needs parcel." 
Jibe Goslee
"Yellow vampire girl who wears argyle sweaters and likes Macaroni"

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sarah Adams
"Cross-eyed were-cat boy who wears a regal outfit and needs karate"

Hannah Volpe
"Luxuriant Octo girl who wears winter clothing and thinks about Romania. "

Daisy Garcia
"Blind Dolphin Girl who wears simple dresses and loves rakes"

Annak Edal
"Unswayed Chimera Girl wearing long shorts and thinking of Anteater."  

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cailey Tervo
"Pleasant bear girl who wears fall clothing and likes fish"

Juan Argil
"Dismayed rhino boy who wears a sweater and likes Fish"

Scarlett Halstead
"Easy going fox girl who wears a kimono and loves persian" 

Kevin Barwick
"Fun fairy girl who loves fenders"

James Driesen
"Wolf Boy, hates farming, loves awesome things."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Alicia Weninger
"Subdued goat girl who wears hipster glasses and loves Kitten."

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Anna D'Amico
"Impolite fire spirit boy who wears gloves and hates Switch"

Dian Dian Zhang
"Monster boy who wears shorts and hates shoes."

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ami Dal Sasso
"Quiet crow boy who wears winter clothing and needs refrigerator. "

Monday, June 18, 2012

HOLY CRAP guys you are all amazing! Thanks to everyone who participated this past week, and if you didn't, feel free to join us this week!

This week's "prompt" is to design a monster based off the Monster Generator! Basically it will give you a description of a monster, and then you draw it!

Sadly this prompt is pretty drawing based, so if you submitted photography last time, sorry! Maybe you'll find some way to make this a photo?

Thanks again! And go draw some monsters!

-Cailey Tervo
Shakir Blac-Majic Smith
"I know i am super late but here is my phobia sketch...i know when it comes down to ending of the school year i suffer from Scolionophobia - Fear of"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ashley Hull
"I know it's a little late, but I haven't really been able to get on Facebook for the past few days. And my scanner is having issues, so I apologize. Anywho, my phobia is centipedes. Especially the house ones. They always seem much larger in real life..."

Lauren Corinne Rassenfoss
"phobia sketch! the fear of long words. (i don't personally have it haha. i just thought the name was ironic) &alsoooo i am currently without a scanner... saaaahrry! "

Hannah Volpe
"Phobia sketch....stepping on frogs and eye injuries...."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sarah Adams
"If I had to pick something to be afraid of, it would be centipedes D:"

Sean Dunn
"So this is my phobia, it's not terrible, but i think most people are scared of spiders!"

Friday, June 15, 2012

Anna D'Amico
"Sketches of Fear! My greatest fear is that essentially the entire world will 'die,' or... well I dunno exactly how to say it so that it makes sense. But that she blows!"
Katie Jo Smith
"Sketch Club {Phobia} ..the dark."

Logan J. Schmitt
"A drawing I just did. I don't know what it is, but I'd be frightened if I came across it. So here's my phobia: Wild West Ghost Bears. "

Sam DeVine
"Drawing isn't paticularly my cup of tea, and I'm out of practice. But here's my sketch: Arachnoid/Tick's "

James Driesen
"for the sketch club. My phobia is monsters. or cryptids"

Tamrin Ingram
"Apiphobia; fear of bees. I'm not that good at drawing but you said we could use any medium, so here's my "sketch" (: "

Ami Dal Sasso
"Older doodle. My phobia is of open spaces when I am alone. This was from an old class project ^^"

Amanda Rea
"No time to finish. Fear of Hospitals."

Cailey Tervo

"I don't know about the rest of you but man art school seems really scary ok"
Jessica Kay Greving
"It figured I would do a quick doodle for the first week sketch group before I left for the trip to Orientation... It's gonna be a long 8 hour drive xD MONSTER UNDER YOUR BED! D: BEWARE!"